Haqqımızda Xəbərlər Elanlar Qalereya TV E-Kitabxana Məzunlar Əlaqə
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Şəfəq İslam qızı İslamova, Tahirə Təyyar qızı İbrahimova

Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: İKT, globalization, psycholinguistics, Information society, multimedia, visual, 
kinesthetic, audial, motivation, cognitive approach, communicative competence

Sh.I. Islamova, T.T. Ibrahimova
Psycholınguıstıc basıs of the use of ıct ın the teachıng
of englısh language ın senıor grades
Currently, the development of science and technology all over the world has an impact on 
education. It also expands the possibilities of education. The emergence of the computer can be 
considered a turning point in education. The computer was first created for military purposes. But later 
it played a very important role in many areas of public life, as well as in the field of education. In 
modern times, the computer plays an important role in the life of the society, which indicates that the 
future world will be very different from today.