Keywords: moral values and cultural institutions, women's problems in the works of Azerbaijani
and Arab (Syrian and Lebanese) writers, Muslim societies, family cults, old generation
T.A. Mehdiyeva
Familyand women‟s issues in Arabic literature (Syrian and Lebanon)
– with Azerbaijan literature in the context of interaction analysis
It is no secret that among the ideas about moral values and cultural institutions historically
acquired by our society, cults associated with the family, as well as the older generation, which is their
basis, occupy an important place. We regret to note that recently there have been numerous attacks on
these moral values from abroad, and in many cases a certain part of our youth justifies these attacks. In
this article, the issue of mutual analysis of family and women's problems in the works of Azerbaijani
and Arab (Syrian and Lebanese) writers is always relevant. In Muslim societies, the place of women in
the family and the importance of family worship are among the main themes of literary works. This is
so now, it was so in ancient times, and it will be so in the future.