Key words: regional higher education, regional development, qualified personnel, innovation,
scientific and technical progress, lifelong education
M.M. Chunayev
Regional higher education institutions and the labor
market in the context of globalization
The article shows the socially useful activities of higher education in accordance with the
needs of society at all times. The service of training highly qualified personnel to ensure the
intellectual, cultural, spiritual development of the individual, deepening and expanding
education was emphasized. Projects that have a positive impact on the labor market of our
country in the regions and in general were investigated, explained and the positive aspects of
the “lifelong learning concept” corresponding to the country's labor market were disclosed. In
addition, efforts have been made to investigate the place occupied by regional higher
education institutions and their activities in providing the country's labor market with
competitive personnel, which has an impact on the socio-economic life of the country in
modern times. In accordance with the development of Science and technology, an explanation
was given about the new compotes of knowledge. The ranking of employment of graduates of
the best universities in the world has been noted. The final part contained the scientific
novelty and practical significance of the problem.