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Nərmin Elçin qızı Baxışova

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: learning success, psychological, social, intelligence, understanding.

N.E. Bakhishova
Factors affecting students’ learning success
The concept of training success itself is quite broad, and certain difficulties arise in its 
interpretation. In the definition of this concept, according to O.A. Yashnova, success is 
mainly determined by the ability to choose the right position and tactics in critical situations 
[6]. In learning activities, a successful student is one who is able to overcome his fears, 
difficulties, confusion and disorganization, or, conversely, an excellent student who is 
anxious, tormented by the normative demands and expectations of others, cannot be classified 
as a successful student, in our opinion, because reading does not bring him joy or satisfaction.