Haqqımızda Xəbərlər Elanlar Qalereya TV E-Kitabxana Məzunlar Əlaqə
Nəticə tapılmadı

İlkin Famil oğlu Əliyev

Jurnal -3 nömrə 2024 Cild 20 №3 2024 (59)

Key words: monitoring, monitoring research model, regulation and installation, analytical and diagnostic, forecasting, operating technology, intermediate diagnostics, and final diagnostics.


In general, the monitoring is the scientific method of studying the situation of observed objects. Monitoring is a large-scale method, reflecting many areas, a completely management tool. The monitoring is also a scientifically based diagnostic and prognostic diagnostic and prognostic basis of the pedagogical process in order to find optimal solutions to education issues. The article examines the application areas for the six-stage monitoring research model, and the appropriate methods are analyzed. Along with theoretical approaches in the study, experiments are also presented. Aims to be planned on the phasing stages of pedagogical monitoring are planned to be determined, and the activities of teachers in the educational process, the activities of teachers, students' academic achievements and the quality of the teaching process. During the active execution of pedagogical monitoring, information is collected through observation, tests, surveys or other methods. The collected information is analyzed and the results are used to increase the quality of the teaching process. For example, if certain problems or weaknesses are found, decisions are made and the necessary adjustments are made. These stages ensure that continuous monitoring in the teaching process and the effective use of these monitoring results to improve the quality of education.