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Mətanət Valeh qızı Əliyeva

Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: Adolescence, psychological help, family therapy, group therapy, individual 

M.V. Aliyeva
Manifestations of psychological crisis in adolescences
and methods of psychocorrection
With considering that nowdays, characterized by rapid changes, unexpected situations and lack of 
stability, there is a need for support each other and mutual understanding. The teenager should 
understand what type of gaps in his life, what and how he can change, which actions in the change 
belongs to himself, and what does not depend on him. Moreover, he must understand whether he can 
do harm to himself by his behavior and his way of life, because he can not realize his resources, he 
does not know how to reveal them. Often, such adolescents do not know how to interact constructively 
with their peers and relatives. However, it is not accidentally that all mental neoplasms are examined 
through the prism of subject-subject relations. Thanks to them a teenager finds his ―I‖, moreover 
interaction with others, compares his behavior and the behavior required by the society. From this 
point of view, psychological assistance to adolescents helps them to regulate their behavior, 
understand their feelings, overcome the difficulties that they face.