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Ayşə Elçin qızı Həsənquluzadə

Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: social phobia, agoraphobia, specific phobia, fear, anxiet

A.E. Hasanguluzadeh
The problem of phobias in modern psychological and pedagogical literature
Phobia is one of the factors that prevent children, young people, and even elderly people from 
living normally and succeeding in the social environment. People with phobias avoid certain objects, 
situations, and various types of activities. The life of such people seems to be built around fear, and 
their quality of life gradually decreases. Sometimes people cannot control their phobias and this causes 
them to panic. In today's society, many people have different types of phobias. This article discusses 
the concept of phobia, its types, its impact on human life and ways to overcome it.