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Hüsniyyə Hüseyn qızı Tanrıverdiyeva.

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: metaphor, conceptual system, artistic style, nomination, anthropocentrism, cognitive 
paradigm, metaphor-neologisms.   H.H. Tanriverdiyeva

On the role of metaphor in enriching the lexical layer of language
The article is devoted to the study of the role of metaphor in enriching the lexical layer of 
language. In the article, metaphor is interpreted as a unit of the second nomination system. 
The article states that language reacts to what happens around it, just like the society that uses 
it. There are different ways to enrich the lexical-semantic layer of language, and one of them 
is metaphorization. It is noted that language does not copy reality, but only reflects its 
perception by a person in a certain way. Metaphors are one of the ways of such reflection.
In the article, metaphor is characterized as a figure of speech used in describing a class of 
objects from the names of objects belonging to the same class