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Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: independence of thinking, ethnopedagogical competence, lecture, independent work of 
students, research activities, ethnopedagogy.

Possibilities for forming ethnopedagogical competence 
of future primary teachers
The article reflects the following components of independent work, identified during the 
study: motivational stage (creating a clear idea and interest of the student about the need to 
study an ethnopedagogical fact, event); setting a precise goal (what knowledge should be 
obtained in the course of ethnopedagogical activities?); the presence of correct instructions 
(an algorithm for solving an ethno-pedagogical problem, the teacher’s definition of methods, 
rules, report forms, work, the scope of results that will be used when performing the work); 
the stage of independent implementation of the ethnopedagogical task; calculation and 
evaluation of results. It is substantiated that these components have a positive effect on the 
formation of independent thinking, self-development, self-improvement and self-realization.