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Səyarə Sahib qızı Cəfərova

Jurnal -3 nömrə 2024 Cild 20 №3 2024 (59)

Key words: Spirituality, training, society, education, spirituality


There are viewpoints that value culture as an opportunity to assimilate the world as a whole, and treat it as a specific method of organizing and developing human life activities. The tendency to look at culture as a system of social norms and spiritual values reflecting the mutual relations between people, nature, society and each other is more is strong. By summarizing and concretizing such multi-faceted definitions of culture, it can be defined as follows: culture is the set of material and spiritual resources acquired by the society, as well as the ability to create them and use them for the progress of mankind and pass them on from generation to generation. Personal influence (authority) in the moral system is not achieved by a certain political privilege or official position, but based on a moral and ethical example, thanks to the culture of behavior and behavior. The origin, essence, category, principles and legalities of morality are discussed in special philosophy, science and ethics. In other words, ethics is a scientific theory about morality.