Key words: graphic abbreviations, internet, contraction, sigl, suspension, ideographic sign
This article is dedicated to the classification of graphic abbreviations used in internet space and their status in language. The relevance of the topic is connected with the widespread use of the internet. Over time, internet communication changes the dynamics of language, giving rise to new forms of communication. In particular, graphic abbreviations (abbreviations and visual symbols) have become an integral part of internet language, and their use facilitates faster and more efficient written communication. The article discusses the classification of graphic abbreviations and their impact on language and communication, with a particular focus on abbreviations used in various social networks, forums, blogs, and messengers. For the first time in Azerbaijani linguistics, a new classification of graphic abbreviations based on internet resources is presented in this article. The article defines several types of abbreviations widely used in internet communication: sigls, suspensions, contractions, ideographic signs, and pictograms. Each of these abbreviations differs in its functions and usage, but they all serve the practical purposes of internet language. The article also examines the social and cultural influence of graphic abbreviations and emphasizes their role in enriching the language of communication on virtual platforms.