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Səkinə Mirheydər qızı Seyidova

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: leader, leadership, educational leadership, school leaders, leadership approaches. S.M. Seyidova
New leadership approaches in secondary school administrators
This article aims to reveal how school principals are perceived as instructional leaders, what 
functions they perform, and what their expectations are. In the research conducted through 
literature analysis, the works prepared on the subject and the existing literature were analyzed. 
In some of these cases, school principals, some teachers, and some educational leaders were 
evaluated together. According to the results of the researches, teaching leadership and different 
fields of education go in parallel, and although there are partial deficiencies in this context, it is 
usually seen that school leaders fulfill this function at an adequate level.