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Sevda Caid qızı Novruzəliyeva, Nüşabə Əjdər qızı Əliyeva.

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan, speech culture, linguistic, phraseological verb, politicaldiplomatic, literary-poetic.
S.J. Novruzaliyeva, N.A. Aliyeva 
Phraseological verbs in Haydar Aliyev's speech
In this article which studies Haydar Aliyev's speech from the point of view of linguistics, 
20 phraseological verbs are examined, and the reasons why the great leader used them are 
There are such phraseologiycal verbs in this post that they are political-diplomatic 
contents — such as “to put a veto”, “to adress a speech”, “o deliver a speech”, “to take 
responsibility”, “to raise a question”. There is such that it is refugee content like “to fall into 
trouble”. There are those who are literary-poetic-art - such as “to go into ecstasy”, “to give a 
stimulation”, “to put pen to paper”. The rest are active verbs in the daily life process - such as 
“to draw a plan” and so on.