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Aydan Güləddin qızı İbrahimova

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 19 №2 2024 (58)

Key words: a stereotype, the social group, a simple image, koqnitiv direction, collective 

representations, standards, generalisation, the relation, an estimation.

A.G. İbrahimova

 Some aspects of formation of social and ethnic stereotypes 


Presented article is devoted studying of social stereotypes in the scientific literature in which various essential approaches of research of a problem also are analyzed. It is underlined the extreme urgency of a problem having difficult socially-psychological essence. Also considerable difficulties of definition and research of social stereotypes are underlined; in this connection various approaches of studying of a problem are represented, their comparison and the analysis is given. Essential workings out in studying of a problem of such authors, as Lippman, Aqeev, Kon, Adorno, Shibutani, Moskovichi, Freud are underlined, etc. In article essential aspects of research of social stereotypes taking into account modern requirements are analyzed.