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Əminə Baba qızı Qədimova

Jurnal -4 nömrə 2024

Key words: learning material, the role of memory, working memory, assimilation of material, assimilation activity


He considers memory as a process that plays an important role in the process of assimilation, memory is of great social importance, memory is an important, decisive feature of the mental life of young people. If a person did not have memory, it would not be possible to absorb the experience of humanity and pass it on to future generations. Memory considers it as a process that plays an important role in the process of assimilation. Memorization does not end with merely memorizing and recalling past experience. At the same time, memory prepares the ground for a person`s  future activity, equips a person with the necessary information to perform the activity ahead if him, directs his future activity, creates a connection between his past activity and his future activity, and pushes him to constantly search for new ones. Thus, the memory ensures the integrity and completeness of the personality