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Səbinə Xeyrulla qızı Piriyeva

Jurnal -4 nömrə 2024

Key words: personality, social individuality, role, social processes, national individuality, ethnic individuality.


This article is devoted to the research questions of the problem of personal identity. Basic approaches to the question of personal identity of the contemporary researchers are discussed in the article. The author makes an attempt of the conceptual execution of the researched problem. Individuality is a kind of self-discovery of people. In the classification of personality, especially the concept of social individuality has become the object of interest of researchers. Personality is considered the main object of social individuality. The formation and development of personality is directly related to its social individuality. Individual characteristics and social processes are in a state of mutual unity. Social processes are especially important when studying social personality. In the article, based on the study of issues related to the essence of personality, the subject was analyzed on the basis of current scientific literature