Haqqımızda Xəbərlər Elanlar Qalereya TV E-Kitabxana Məzunlar Əlaqə
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Günay Ağaməhəmməd qızı Qarayeva

Jurnal -4 nömrə 2024

Keywords: nature, ecology, symbol, culture, society


The ecological crisis, the loss of relations in human-nature relations, the indifferent attitude of man to nature changes the mechanism of influence of many symbolic images, the contradictions between human-society relations, the concept of culture and cult, the solution of serious problems in the dialogue of the individual and society, which has been subjected to spiritual and moral erosion, and is aimed at understanding.

In the course of the research, the change of the function of the signs and symbols implementing the cultural codes in the violation of the ecological balance in the new culture and society model, will be investigated based on examples of 20th century poetry - creativity of S.Vurgun, R. Rza, H. Arif, N. Khazri, M.Yaqub, G. Gasimzadeh and others.