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Pərişan Məhərrəm qızı Həsənova

Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: social activity, national-moral and universal values, socialization, child personality

P.M. Hasanova 
Possiboloties for forming childrens social activity in preschool age
One of the important conditions for preschool children to be socially active and constantly taken 
into account in the formation of their personality, their development as active members of the future 
society. Because ― "preschool age is a period of active socialization of the child, greater 
communication with adults and peers, acquisition of cultural habits, awakening of spiritual and 
aesthetic feelings"  (2, 5). A child‘s social activity arises from his desire to express his attitude towards 
the world around him in accordance with the cultural traditions accepted in society.