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Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: Speech disorders, school age, mental development, speech

S.N. Akbarova
Speech disorders in children
Different types of school-aged children depending on the severity of the speech disorder they 
receive speech therapy assistance. Mild, partial (partial) violations speech therapy in the classroom 
eliminated in the cabinet, the system is widely developed and relevant equipped with methodical 
documents (the contingent of children to be trained standards have been developed to determine, 
recommendations have been made. your lessons planning and organization etc.). If the child is 
psychologically retarded, it is his can't help but have a negative impact on his speech. So, if the child 
does not understand the said appeal, there will be defects in his speech and vocabulary. Therefore, 
when doing defectology-logopedic work with a child, his psychological level, ability, age, attention 
and activity should be considered.