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Xədicə Azad qızı Əsgərova

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: innovation, technology, teacher, pedagogy, curriculum, analyses.
X.A. Asgarova
Innovatıon as a factor actıvatıng the pedagogıcal process ın the modern era
Innovation (derived from the English word “innovation”, meaning “innovation”) in a 
broad sense means innovation implemented in the pedagogical system in order to improve the 
progress and results of the educational process. Innovation, i.e. innovation, takes place at the 
expense of the internal resources of the pedagogical system (in means internal). Innovation is 
ideas, processes, tools and results taken together in a qualitatively improved pedagogical 
system. It is a very important and urgent task for the renewal of the pedagogical system, it 
requires a competent analysis and a creative teacher.
A lot has changed in the last decade. New paradigms, concepts, innovations and 
investments, state standards and alternative curricula, new types of schools were created.