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Fəridə Mikayıl qızı Allahverdiyeva, Sevda Sultan qızı Tağıyeva.

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: social-economic, objective situation, scientific readiness, theoretical readiness, 
manage, democratic, humane vision, educational system, political-economical, progressive.
F.M. Allahverdiyeva, S.S. Taghıyeva 
The democratic management of education is a purposeful activity
The educational system is rely on national ground and on universal values and consider an 
democratic attitude. The article includes the principles of the democratic management of the 
educational system and prepare teachers based on democratic principles. The solvency of the 
issues for the managers is described as a priority in this article. The different innovations of 
the management of the educational system is proposed in the article.