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Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 19 №2 2024 (58)

Key words: critical realism, poetry, author, criticism, exposure.

Sh.Sh. Aliyeva

Mirza Alakbar Sabir's poetry in the scientific-theoretical studies  of the period of independence


Mirza Alakbar Sabir's creativity and poetry did not agree with the traditional structure and 

content of classical works up to this period, and paved the way for many additions and 

innovations. These, in turn, led to the rise of poetics and stylistic dynamism in the artist's 

literary heritage. His creative traditions in the field of poetry were rapidly spread by his 

contemporaries and followers. Although critical realism was more relevant in literature and 

philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries, it continues to exist as such a trend today. It is for

this reason that critical realism is studied from different aspects in both Azerbaijani and world  literature.