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Səbinə Vaqif qızı Rüstəmova

Jurnal -4 nömrə 2024

Key words: data collection, university students, research work, research skills, skill development, source selection, academic achievements.


The development of research skills is one of the main components of academic life and plays an important role in the scientific and professional development of students. For the successful implementation of this work, it is important for students to collect information correctly and correctly evaluate the sources of the information they collect. Developing the skills of collecting information and evaluating sources in students ensures the success of research and lays a strong foundation for the future scientific and professional development of students. These skills support the successful activities of specialists in various fields, not only in scientific research. They also help develop scientific methodologies and adapt to modern research approaches. Therefore, the development of these skills in students is highly relevant in terms of increasing the effectiveness of the modern education system and scientific research.