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Səbinə Vilayət qızı İsmayılova

Jurnal -4 nömrə 2024

Key words: discourse, dialogue, modality, conceptualization, epistemic content


This article examines the significant role of modality, epistemic content, and the categories of time and space in the conceptualization of dialogic discourse. The study reveals that grammatical tools form the semantic and structural framework of discourse, serving as key mechanisms for the creation and sharing of meanings during communication. Specifically, modality and epistemic content express the positions, attitudes, and emotional states of participants, enhancing the effectiveness of interaction. Temporal and spatial categories structure the discourse's content, organizing the chronology of events and spatial relations, thus ensuring a shared context among interlocutors. The findings deepen the understanding of the functional and semantic aspects of language and expand its practical applications in language teaching and artificial intelligence development.