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Nərmin Mirabbas qızı Əfəndi

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 19 №2 2024 (58)

Key words: Preschool period, teacher training, mental development, inclusive education, training, education.

N.M. Afandi Organızing the work of teachers in pre-school education ınstıtutıons on involvıng children with mental development retardations in inclusıve education 


The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the training of preschool teachers for the implementation of inclusive education of preschool children with mental retardation. The training of teachers of preschool educational institutions is one of the main issues that require the preparation of professional development programs and the implementation of psychological support for the participants of the inclusive process. The article describes the organization of an inclusive educational process for mentally retarded children, mental development in educational institutions, difficulties related to emotional preparation of teachers, and knowledge of the developmental characteristics of children with mental retardation