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Pərvanə İldırım qızı İmanova.

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: preschool age, communication culture, communicative competence, activity.   P.İ. İmanova 
Communicative competence is the child’s personality culture as a factor in the 
formation of their qualities
Forming a culture of communication is one of the most important tasks of preschool 
pedagogy. The preschool integrative environment is a model of society. A person’s success in 
society depends on the level of communication culture, which is especially important for 
socialization. Because it significantly affects the effectiveness of any activity in society. In 
order to prepare the educational psychologist to solve this and others problems, it is necessary 
to form a communicative culture of the individual, including one of its components –
communicative competence.