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Şəfiqə Daşqın qızı Qəniyeva

Jurnal -2 nömrə 2023

Keywords: development, educational process, morality, personality, society

Sh.D. Ganiyeva
Psychological essence of moral upbringing
Moral education plays a very important role in people's lives because it enables people to behave 
more responsibly, respectfully and ethically in social relationships. This helps them occupy a higher 
position in society. People under the influence of moral education learn more about themselves, their 
families and other relationships in life, learn more respectful, fair and benevolent rules of behavior. 
Moral education ensures that people know not only their own behavior but also ethical and cultural 
norms, make the right decisions and live simply within the social organization. As human society and 
nature change, moral education becomes even more important. Moral education helps build 
relationships of love, human values, justice and respect between people.