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İlahə Zahid qızı Rəsulova.

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: reading comprehension, parent, school, student, methodology, strategy

İ.Z. Rasulova
The Role of Parents in Developing Reading Comprehension 
Skills in Primary School Students
By exploring the psychoeducational potential of parents, educators and researchers can 
better understand how to support parents in their role as their children's first and most 
important teachers. This knowledge can be used to develop interventions that help parents 
develop the skills and knowledge needed to support their children's learning and development. 
The formation of the pedagogical culture of a modern Azerbaijani family is a complex and 
continuous process. However, the country strives to provide its children with the best 
education possible. A strong emphasis on family, a rapidly modernizing society, and the 
government's commitment to excellence in education are important factors shaping the 
teaching culture of the Azerbaijani family.