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Ayşən Təvəkkül qızı Salahova

Jurnal -1 nömrə 2024 Cild 18 №1 2024 (57)

Key words: National Leader, education in the legacy of Heydar Aliyev, development of education, 
Azerbaijani education.

A.T. Salahova
Education issues in the legacy of Hayder Alıyev
Acquaintance with the activities of our National Leader Heydar Aliyev provides rich 
information in terms of education and development of the young generation. Heydar Aliyev 
considered it important that every young person should first study in his native language, 
write in his native language, read in his native language, and he said that language is the 
national basis of a nation. Under the leadership of our national leader, a library, museum, 
general education school, and higher education schools were built and put into use.